The ADP South community forum is holding its AGM on Tuesday 2nd May 2017 from 1pm – 4pm at West Church in Banchory, AB31 5TB.

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Please join us for a sandwich lunch prior to the meeting from 12.30 onwards. 

It would be great to see as many of you as possible as we look to appoint new committee members for the Aberdeenshire ADP South Community Forum.

Sadly, our chair Jean Henretty and our secretary Kirsty Greenhowe have both announced that their period of commitment to the South Forum committee has come to an end and that they will stand down at this meeting. I am sure you will all join me in thanking them for all their work and input over the past year and wishing them well for any new ventures.

This means the South forum committee will as of May have 2 vacancies, the chair position and the position of secretary. We encourage any interested forum members, and in particular community members, to consider this great opportunity to take up a role within the forum committee and to be actively involved in shaping the work of the forum.

If you would like to stand for our committee, then please contact  no later than Friday 21st April 2017.

If you require more information about these positions before 18th April 2017 then please get in touch with .

Also, if you or anyone you know requires transport to the meeting please get in touch and we will see what we can do!

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